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Equipping for evangelism is the passion of my life and I hope you will find tools for successful evangelistic activities:
- Five topics to prepare evangelistic projects
- Five answers to the top questions of our time
- Download the topics for the LiFe training and the LiFe seminar
Five topics to prepare evangelistic projects
It’s important to prepare evangelistic activities very carefully.
The Heartbeat of a Samaritan
If we consider the story of the good Samaritan, we see Jesus.
Companion at LiFe Seminar
It is important, that we understand the task of a companion.
The Meaning of Engel Scale for Evangelism
The Engel Scale shows multiple steps toward salvation
Personal Testimony in Three Minutes
A clear three-minute testimony is a powerful tool and helps our friends understand who Jesus is for us.
Fishing Net Prayer
Too often we feel alone and powerless in our evangelistic activities.
Five answers to the top questions of our time
Seeking persons may ask us Christians: “Why do you believe in Jesus Christ?”
How can we be happy?
Every human has the desire to be happy. There is the saying, “Everyone is the architect of his own fortune.” But can we really reach the goal of happiness by human means?
Why does God allow this?
Terror attacks, natural disasters, airplane crashes etc. raise the penetrating question, “Why does God allow this?” This question is explosive because it often radically interferes with our personal life.
What is the meaning of life?
Every human being would like to find an answer to the following questions: Where do I come from? Where am I going? What will come after death? What shall I do during my short span of life? What happens when we look to God for answers to these questions?
Discovering the gift of God
This is the big gift of God. He loves us human beings so much that he gave his only son for us. Everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life! Do we want to accept this great gift?
Life in new dimensions
A personal relationship with Jesus fundamentally changes the life of a human being and opens new dimensions. In prayer we experience God’s closeness, his comfort and his power. The Bible becomes a living guide for our lives. New friends enrich and strengthen our new life with God.
A toolbox for evangelism
In the last almost 20 years, the LiFe toolbox has organically developed into what it is today: five evangelistic LiFe topics to which companions can invite their guests, as well as training topics to prepare for an evangelistic project (e.g. LiFe Seminar) or an evangelistic campaign (e.g. LiFe church services).
Choose your tool
The LiFe toolbox is a toolkit for evangelism. It contains flexible tools for leaders who want to put discipleship into practice in the church.
LiFe toolbox
The diverse experiences with standard LiFe, LiFe weeks for teenagers, LiFe for church planting, LiFe topics at Sundays worship services etc. have led to the fact that the proven evangelistic LiFe topics and the tested LiFe training topics are available as a LiFe toolbox stand. The LiFe tools can be combined with other evangelistic activities if necessary.
Five central training topics
These five central training topics have proven useful in preparation for evangelism in the church. On the one hand, they provide the vision and the tasks of a companion and prepare very practically with prayer and testimony for the LiFe seminar or other evangelistic projects and activities.
Five evangelistic LiFe topics
The five topics of the LiFe seminars have proven to be a simple type of contemporary evangelism. They take up the questions of postmodern people and answer them with the gospel of Jesus Christ in different cultural situations.
Download the topics for the LiFe training and the LiFe seminar
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Other languages
For other languages of the five topics please contact us at info@life-seminar.world.
See some reviews of LiFe users
See more about our LiFe online training
See more information about LiFe seminars